Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Superfoods for Reducing Wrinkles

If you love the white stuff  we’re talking sugar, folks — your sweet tooth could be making your skin sag, crinkle, and wrinkle before its time. Blame glycation. That’s what happens when sugar hits your bloodstream, gloms on to proteins, and forms the aptly named Ages  oradvanced glycation end products. Ages are bad news for your skin. They damage the collagen and elastin fibers that keep it strong and supple.

While scientists aren’t ready to say “sugar causes wrinkles,” docs know from observing people with poorly managed diabetes what out-of-control blood sugar does to skin — and it isn’t pretty. Bluntly put, it causes “premature” aging.

That should be extra inspiration to skip the cakes, cookies, and sugary drinks and fill your plate with wrinkle fighters. Here’s even more: There is plenty of scientific proof that certain nutrients help nourish the fibers that keep skin stretchy and healthy, says Manhattan dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD, RealAge expert and author of The Mind-Beauty Connection. Step right up to the beauty buffet and serve yourself this way:

Lists of such foods are given below:

1. Blueberries: These fruits are considered to be one of the good anti-wrinkling foods. They have natural fructose sugar and enough fiber which absorb the extra calories from foods. They contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids. It is powerful antioxidants which help in reducing the damage of cells.

2. Beans: Legumes like peas, beans are the best source of plant protein. They are high in potassium but low in sodium. Eating other whole grain foods like rice, wheat and corn provide the amino acids which complete the full protein cycle. It also helps in reducing the cholesterol levels.

3. Avocado: Avocado is a good source of Vitamin E and contain good amount of potassium in it which prevents aging. It also contains healthy monounsaturated fat which reduces the cholesterol in body.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables: Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radish, turnip helps to fight against toxins and cancer and also keeps your skin away from aging.

5. Omega-3 eggs: These eggs are produced by chickens that have been fed with alfalfa, corn, soy beans and flaxseeds. The presence of Omega-3 in eggs helps to keep the skin nourishes and also prevents heart diseases.

6. Tomatoes: This item contains a chemical known as lycopene. It reduces the skin cell damage and redness. A mix of some extra-virgin oil with tomato will help to absorb the lycopene further.

7. Sunflower seeds: These contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin E. It prevents cell damage from free radicals. Application of Vitamin E oil also helps to prevent skin from damage of the sun rays.

8. Fish oils: Fishes like salmon and tuna are full of omega-3 oils which are necessary to maintain beautiful skin. Buying of distilled fish oil which is made of smaller fish such as anchovies and sardines are highly suggested since they contain low amount of toxic wastes.

Some other prevention can be taken like:

• Hydrating your body by taking a good amount of water or herbal tea during the day. Drinking water or watery fruits will also do.

• Avoid taking alcohol and coffee, since it makes the body dehydrated which is bad for anti-wrinkling issue.

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