Monday, July 11, 2016

Simple Exercises To Reduce Eye Strain

Eye exercises are widely promoted as a way to improve vision naturally. Although there's no evidence that they can correct any visual problem such as nearsightedness or farsightedness  some people who work on computers all day find them helpful to relieve or prevent eye strain.

Once you've memorized the routine, you can easily do it throughout the day. Here's how to do it:

Sit at the edge of your chair with your back straight. Close your eyes and place the palm of each hand over an eye, so you feel your palms warming your eyes.

Remove your hands, keeping your eyes closed. Inhale deeply through your nose. Exhale and let your head drop forward then rotate it from side to side. Shrug your shoulders, making circles with them forward and backward.

Close your eyes tightly and lift and tighten your shoulders as much as you can. Hold for a few seconds and then exhale, suddenly releasing your shoulders and opening your eyes. Repeat this several times.

Blink repeatedly, fluttering your eyelids until your eyes become moist. Repeat this several times.

Breathing naturally, focus on an object far away from you for about half a minute. Try to maintain your focus, then blink rapidly several times. Then focus on a nearby object for about 15 seconds. Try to maintain your focus, then blink rapidly several times.

This exercise is designed to help counteract the tendency to squint.
  • With your eyes half-open, look up while exhaling.
This exercise helps the extrinsic muscles that move the eyes.

1. Try to keep your head straight and in line with your spine.

2. Roll your eyes into all of the directions below while exhaling:
  • Upward
  • Downward
  • To the right
  • To the left
  • Up to the right at 45 degrees
  • Up to the left at 45 degrees
  • Down at 45 degrees to the right
  • Down at 45 degrees to the left
3. Hold each of the above positions for a few seconds and then return your eyes to the center while you inhale.

4. Again trying to keep your head straight, look straight ahead at an object. Exhale and look from side to side without turning your head.

5. Now try to exhale and turn your head from side to side several times letting your eyes follow the head movement. Then turn your upper body from side to side and let your eyes follow.

6. Place your palms over your eyes to warm them. When you are ready, remove them and open your eyes.

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